When we frame a picture or an object, special medals and mementoes, it evokes an emotion, a connection, or something that somehow brings joy and happiness or a memory of a keepsake to be cherished as years go by.

Every frame we make is carefully designed with you to meet your requirements, with time spent helping you make sure it achieves the best results possible to be treasured for years to come. 

All frames are bespoke made to order at the gallery to a high level as standard.

We also offer the following:

Specialist needlework framing
Sports Shirt Framing 
Medals & Memorabilia 
Shadow Box and Object framing
Canvas float frames
Canvas stretching
Mount cutting
Ruled lines, wash lines and mount decoration
Replacement glazing
Cleaning and restoration of frames
Hand finished frames 
Specialist UV protection and ultra-clear non reflective glazing.
Giclée Art printing

If you would like to book an appointment, please click the link to choose a date and time of your choice



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